Terrific Technology board game
Take a journey around our board game and see who can make it first to the finish line, but watch out for those flat batteries on our electric cars as they could see you going backwards!
Chance cards, number spinner, counters and game board all available to download and print out for you to begin playing right away.

Future Focus card game
Find out about a whole range of engineering careers in this fun card game that you can print out and play straight away!
Each player holds their cards so that they can see the top card only. The player to the dealers left starts by reading out an item from the top (e.g. Entry salary £18K). The other players then read out the same item. The one player with the best or higher value wins that card. The person with all the cards at the end is the winner!
Career happiness scores have been taken from a range of websites to give the most appropriate scores, including:

Careering towards the future
Explore the engineering careers that are available today, the potential rewards of these careers, how engineering has shaped our society and how engineering could transform the world we live in in the future.
Depending upon the option selected, you can also investigate the influence of famous engineers/technologists of the past and people working in Engineering today.