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Age Range: 7-11 | 11-14
Duration: 30-59 mins
  • D&T
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics

Make your own gingerbread house recipe for kids

Kids can create a delicious gingerbread house with this fun and easy baking recipe for beginners

This fun and delicious recipe combines baking, engineering, and creativity! With this gingerbread house making project, children will have the opportunity to create their very own edible treat.

Activity: Make your own gingerbread house

Download our free gingerbread house template and recipe

A free gingerbread house template and recipe are available to download below. They provide step-by-step instructions, a list of materials needed, and helpful tips for teachers and children alike.

Oh ho ho, and please do share your baking and experiment highlights with us on Facebook and Twitter using our #SantaLovesSTEM hashtag.

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