Mechanical principles
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Download our free curriculum grid to find resources that are mapped against module 7 Mechanical principles.
In the free download, you will find information on where to find content to support the teaching of:
7.1 Principles of motion and mechanics in engineering and manufacturing systems.
- Newton's three laws of motion
- Types of forces (concurrent, non-concurrent, co-planer, non-contact)
- Simply supported beams (loading, load distribution (point, uniformly distributed, combination of point and uniformly distributed), reaction forces, loaded components, shear force, bending moments)
7.2 Principles of forces and energy.
- Principle of conservation of momentum
- principle of conservation of energy
- D’Alembert’s principle
- Potential and kinetic energy
- Gravitational force
- Frictional resistance
- Mechanical work
- Power
- Types of power sources (mechanical, electrical, renewable)
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