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Safeguarding policy

As a charity, the IET is required to have a Policy for Safeguarding those who come into contact with the IET through its work, including members, staff and volunteers, but in particular children and adults at risk.

Many outreach activities involving children are undertaken by staff and other representatives of the Institution, therefore adhering to such a policy helps to protect children or adults at risk, and ensure that  representatives of the institution or the institution itself are not placed at risk from inappropriate behaviour or damaging allegations and litigation.

This policy outlines the appropriate behaviours, checks to be followed when working with children and adults at risk, and how to raise any concerns. It also looks at how the IET will handle any allegations or incidents, including reporting to relevant authorities, and storing information.

This policy applies to all volunteers (including trustees), members, employees and contractors and its subsidiaries worldwide and must be followed. The policy applies to any engagement with children and adults at risk, undertaken for or on behalf of the IET.

Policy documents

Incident reporting form