Make an amazing bunny pop up card
Learn about 3D structures and make a bunny pop up card in this fun Easter STEM activity for kids
In this fun STEM activity for kids, students will learn about graphic products and use templates to help them cut out the parts for a homemade Easter card.
This activity is aimed at primary school children and could be used as a main lesson activity, to teach learners about the use of templates.
Activity: Making an amazing Easter pop up card
This is one of a set of resources designed to allow students to use Easter themes to develop their knowledge and skills in Design and Technology and Mathematics. This resource focuses on making a graphics project, in this case an Easter pop-up bunny card.
The teacher will first print the activity sheet, which can be downloaded below, onto thin card and distribute to the learners.
Learners can then follow these steps to make their own homemade Easter bunny pop-up card:
- Step 1 – Safely cut out all the bunny card parts.
- Step 2 – Add designs to eggs and the bunny.
- Step 3 – Glue grass stand parts to green paper and fold on the dotted lines. Carefully follow the feint lines to cut the grass slits.
- Step 4 – Make the Easter card by gluing a sheet of green paper on the inside of a sheet of card. Fold over.
- Step 5 – Place the slot line, marked on the bunny grass part, in the middle of the card, on the folded side, and draw round the slot. Carefully cut two slits into the card.
- Step 6 – Fold the flap over to make a crease. Open the card and push the flap through to the inside to make a step.
- Step 7 – Make the sky by drawing a wavy line on blue paper. Carefully cut out the shape and glue onto the card.
- Step 8 – Glue the bunny grass part to the bunny. Stick the bunny to the flap with glue.
- Step 9 – Glue the grass stands and eggs to the card.
- Step 10 – Close the card by folding the parts towards the inside
Once learners have completed each step for themselves, the teacher can explain why templates are used to make objects and how separate parts are used to make a larger structure.
Learners will share their completed Easter pop-up cards with the class. What do you think went well? What could be improved?
This activity will take approximately 50 – 80 minutes to complete.
Tools/resources required
- Glue sticks
- Card (various colours)
- Scissors
- Coloured paper
The engineering context
Engineers use nets and card to allow them to make scale 3D models of buildings and other structures, as well as packaging for products.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this Easter STEM challenge learners will be able to make and assemble an Easter pop-up card from separate parts.
Download the free Make an amazing Easter pop up card activity sheet below!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Available Downloads

Teacher activity
Make an amazing bunny pop up card activity description, teachers’ notes and curriculum links.

Easter pop up card presentation
Teacher presentation guiding you through the activity.

Easter pop up card handout 1
Template to hand out to students with examples to create their pop up card..

Family activity
A step by step guide to follow at home

Fun bonus activity using words from bunny pop up card activity

Wordsearch answers sheet
Answer sheet to the wordsearch