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Age Range: 11-14
Duration: 30-59 mins
  • Biology
  • D&T
  • Mathematics

Analyse sewage tunnel design

Discuss the sewage tunnels being built under London in this free STEM activity

This activity accompanies the Shifting Sewage film, which looks at the sewage tunnels being built under London. These activities have been designed for both mathematics and science and can be delivered either independently or through a planned sequential approach.

This activity challenges students to move beyond an 'out of sight, out of mind' approach to sewage as they use and develop their mathematical process skills within the real-world contexts presented.

Activity: Analyse sewage tunnel design

This extension activity provides an engaging task focusing on the link between sewage and the underground tunnel system. It encourages students to think about the role of engineers in providing us with healthy sanitation and waste-water disposal systems.

How long will this activity take to complete?

This quick activity will take about 15-30 minutes to complete. Teachers can download the activity sheet below for a detailed lesson plan.

What is sewage?

Sewage is a combination of water and waste products that humans and animals produce. It typically includes human excrement, urine, food scraps, and other waste materials.

Sewage can be either raw or treated. Raw sewage is untreated and can contain harmful bacteria and viruses. Treated sewage has been processed to remove harmful contaminants and make it safe to discharge into the environment.

Sewage is collected through a network of pipes and transported to a sewage treatment plant. At the treatment plant, the sewage is treated to remove harmful contaminants and make it safe to discharge into the environment.

Suggested learning outcomes

By the end of this activity, students will have developed an insight into the representation of large volumes. They will also be able to determine and select variables and then apply mathematical formulae to solve real-life problems.

Download the free activity sheet below!

All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable so that you can tailor them to your students and your schools' needs.

The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, helpful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in the four devolved UK nations: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

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Shifting sewage

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