Volunteer - FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge
FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge is only as successful as it is due to our incredible team of volunteers.
These hardworking and dedicated people make up 99 per cent of our workforce and inspire thousands of young people across the UK and Ireland. We are so grateful to them, and we could not do it without them.
Have a look at the impact volunteering has on young people, but also on the volunteers themselves.
Volunteer roles

Judge - Innovation Project, Core Values or Robot Design
Suitable for: Anyone with an interest in encouraging young people into STEM. Robot Design Judges preferably have a background in robotics/programming.
Amount of time required: Attendance at tournament day(s), possibly a couple of hours training.
Involves: Interviewing teams about their work or their application of the FIRST® LEGO® League Core Values. Providing positive, along with constructive, feedback and ranking the interviewed teams with a view to selecting the award winners.

Robot Game Referee
Suitable for: Anyone with an interest in encouraging young people into STEM. No specialist background required.
Amount of time required: Attendance at tournament day(s), possibly a couple of hours training. Preferably, referees would spend some time learning the Robot Game rules leading up to the event.
Involves: Observing team robot games, assessing field for scoring of matches and participating in deliberations regarding contested calls and official scores. Referees play a critical role in ensuring smooth flow of match play, maintaining the pace of the event, and providing encouragement and recognition of the teams’ achievements.

Team Mentor
Suitable for: Anyone with an interest in encouraging young people into STEM. An up to date DBS check may be required.
Amount of time required: One to two hours per week/fortnight from September until the team’s tournament.
Involves: Attending a team's meetings as they work on their project and robot. Motivating and focusing them. Providing guidance whilst ensuring that they find their solutions themselves. Acting as a role model for FIRST® LEGO® League’s Core Values.