Build a bunny craft activity
Making structures from card strips and assembling these into animal forms
In this fun Easter themed STEM activity for kids, students will learn about 3D structures within a graphical project. Learners will build a bunny using card strips from a template.
This free resource, aimed at primary school children, could be used as a main lesson activity, to teach learners about simple structures made from separate parts.
Activity: Making structures from card strips and assembling these into animal forms
This is one of a set of resources designed to allow learners to use Easter themes to develop their knowledge and skills in Design and Technology and Mathematics. This resource focuses on building a card structure, to make a bunny.
The teacher will first print the free activity sheet, which can be found below, onto thin card and distribute to the learners.
Learners can then follow this step-by-step guide to build their own DIY Easter bunny:
- Step 1 – Safely cut out all the bunny parts. Fold the ears on the fold line.
- Step 2 – Fold the strips in half to create a centre crease for reference. Stick the longer body strips together with a glue stick, in the sequence shown in the presentation.
- Step 3 – Stick the body together in the sequence shown in the presentation.
- Step 4 – Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make the head. Stick the head to the body.
- Step 5 – Stick on the eyes, the nose and the ears.
Once learners have completed each step for themselves the teacher will explain how nets are used to make objects and how separate parts are used to make a larger structure.
If time allows learners could decorate their Easter bunnies. They will then share their completed bunnies with the class.
This activity will take approximately 50 – 80 minutes.
Tools/resources required
- Build a bunny handout
- Scissors
- Glue
- Colouring pencils/pens (optional to colour in your bunny before assembly)
The engineering context
Engineers use nets and card to allow them to make scaled 3D models of buildings and other structures, as well as packaging for products.
Suggested learning outcomes
By the end of this STEM challenge learners will be able to understand how structures are made using separate parts and they will be able to make and assemble a bunny structure from card strips.
Download the free Build a bunny activity sheet below!
All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs.
The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation.
Available Downloads

Build a bunny craft activity
Build a bunny craft activity description, teachers’ notes and curriculum links.

Build a bunny presentation
Teacher presentation guiding you through the activity.

Build a bunny handout
Template to cut out and create your Easter Bunny.

Family activity
A step by step guide to follow at home

Easter chick maze activity
Fun bonus activity.

Easter chick maze answers
Solution to the Easter bunny maze.

Hop to it wordsearch activity
Fun bonus activity.

Hop to it wordsearch answer sheet
Answer sheet to the 'Hop to it' wordsearch.