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Age Range: 11-14 | 14-16
Duration: 30-59 mins
  • Mathematics

Select a Golden Ball recipient

Use fractions, percentages and averages to decide the best footballer

In this engaging activity students will explore statistics and use them to decide on a ranking of football players. Football players are ranked in different ways and there are a variety of awards that they can be rewarded with. Each year the Ballon D’Or is awarded to the player judged to be the ‘best’. The Golden Ball is given to the best player throughout an international football competition. 

In this activity, pupils are presented with data and can use it to decide who they consider to be the best footballer.

The purpose of this activity is to explore statistics and to use them to decide on a ranking of football players. Pupils will compare data and use average scores to find ways of comparing data and making decisions.

Download the activity sheets for free below!

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