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BBC micro:bit resources for secondary

The BBC micro:bit is a powerful teaching and learning tool that helps children start coding and programming. It is also a valuable tool across the curriculum including science, maths, design and technology, art, music and more.

The IET has created a series of resources aimed at 11-14 year olds (KS3/S1-3) to aid their understanding of basic electronics, develop programming skills, make use of programmable components and embed intelligence into a product design.

These resources look at creating a flood warning system, pedestrian crossing system, food temperature probe and even an alarm for their schoolbags as well as lots more!

These resources all offer an introduction to the topic area, main programming resource and then an extension activity to integrate their product into a relevant system in everyday life for testing.

Download the free resources below! And please do share your learning highlights and final creations with us on social media @IETeducation or send them via email to to be featured in our online gallery.

For more information do have a look at the links below and happy coding!

Micro:bit Educational Foundation Micro:bit Educational Foundation | micro:bit (

IET Education – a guide to the micro:bit micro:bit (

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All BBC micro:bit resources