Education A-Z
Here you will find all of IET’s Education and early engineering career materials that may help teach and inspire STEM to future engineers!

Education resources
We have some incredible education resources perfect for teachers, parents and STEM educators, ideal for the classroom, at home activities or in STEM clubs.

Getting into Engineering
Inspiring the next generation of engineers to get involved with engineering as a career begins with knowledge of this truly fulfilling profession. Let our experienced engineers share this with you.

Engineering Careers
A rewarding engineering career can appear daunting to begin as there are so many routes and learning avenues to explore. The below will provide a great starting point to begin navigating this bright future.

Education Volunteer created handouts
We have exclusive resources designed and created by our amazing IET Education Volunteers. These include, activities, handouts and some handpicked inspirational and educational videos about engineering, suitable for a range of ages and learning environments.