Primary posters
Free to download, or order to have delivered directly to your door, our classroom posters cover a range of topics from radio waves and robotics to section drawings and electrical safety.
All posters are updated and the collection is added to on a regular basis, so check back for new ones.
There is now a range of videos available in British Sign Language to support some of our posters and explain the basic concepts behind them.

Circuits and symbols
Poster showing the symbols for basic components in a circuit.

Common uses of IT
Explore how information technology is used outside school.

Electrical safety indoors
Useful rules to observe when using electricity in the home.

Electrical safety outdoors
Useful rules to observe when using electricity both in and outside the home.

Engineering all around us!
A closer look at some of the applications of engineering in our everyday lives.

Exploded views
A closer look at exploded views and how you can draw them for yourself.

Build, code, research and share with FIRST® LEGO® League Explore for 6-9 year olds.

Wonder and question, build and tinker, listen and share with FIRST® LEGO® League Discover.

What are forces and how do they act? Learn about gravity and air resistance.

Iterative design
Explore the process involved in iterative design.

Discover more about light and how it travels.

Materials properties
Look at the materials used to make a tent.

Radio waves
How do radio waves help us connect to our friends and families?

How does the design of the Mars Curiosity enable it to explore the planet Mars effectively?

Section drawings
Find out how to draw a section drawing to illustrate a produce cut in half.

International Space Station
Explore the International Space Station also called ISS

Find out more about the components in cars and their functions to get the car moving.

Find out more about the weather in different parts of the world.
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100 jobs in STEM poster
A popular poster highlighting 100 exciting job roles that link to STEM.

Neon green careers posters - Buildings
Inspire students with planet saving careers.

10 great reasons to go into STEM
There are hundreds of reasons to become an engineer or a scientist. Find out more about 10 of them.

10 rheswm gwych i ddod yn beiriannydd
Mae cannoedd o resymau dros ddod yn beiriannydd neu’n wyddonydd. Dysgwch fwy am 10 ohonynt.